I read this verse today: "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
Two things so simple: do justly, love mercy. Do justly... Be fair. Take into account that the person in front of you driving 20 in a 45 probably has a reason for doing so. Be patient. Doing justly isn't some grandiose thing. You don't have to fly over to India and end human trafficking to do justly (you could, and that would be awesome) but doing justly is as simple as not reacting harshly when someone says something less than awesome about you. Living a lifestyle of justice means being honest. It means a lot of things.
Doing justly is
If you really think about it, to do justly you must love mercy. So if you want to do justly (which you should) cultivate your love for mercy. See that person all alone over there. . . Smile at them. If you're out going, go talk to them. They'll probably appreciate it. See that disgruntled college student with lugging like five 1000 lb books and crying? Carry a few of them for her. She'll love you forever. Be nice. Seriously, little things are a good place to start.
To top it off God gave us an example. "He has shown you, O man, what is good;" He sent his son. Jesus was good. He was just. He loved mercy. Look at him. Copy him. Mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery. I don't think you'll offend JC. We're supposed to attempt to be Christ like.
Do justly, love mercy.
yes. beautiful. love justly!
ReplyDeleteThanks man. Definitely something I needed to be reminded of.